Anxiety/Stress disorder

Anxiety/Stress disorder is increasing day by day in today’s scenario and is presented as a state of excessive and constant worry about different issues, either happening in life or things that could or would have happened, making a person anxious & restless at all times, although in real danger is not up to the degree of worry.

Although people say the sufferer is unnecessarily worrying for the concerned individual those excessive worries are not under his/her control and making life terrible and miserable. Things can get into a traumatic stage if not treated properly and later on lead to panic attacks in the form of excessive sweating, dizziness, choking sensation and feeling pounding heart as if a person is going to have a heart attack if not taken care immoderately which sometimes land up the patient in an emergency with a lot of cardiac examination (ECG/ECHO) which ultimately come out to be normal.

Considering this as a disease and not merely person is doing it by himself/herself, with the consultation of a good psychiatrist, this condition is treatable completely either with relaxation therapy, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness or with anti-anxiety medicines which are not harmful if taken properly under the guidance of treating psychiatrist.

If you are facing anxiety disorder, seek therapy from our experts today and give your mental health the healing and support it needed.

Keep stress away from your mind.

Visit our website for more information about anxiety disorder,

Published by trivanta hospital

trivanta hospital is unique combo hospital where physical and mental health both are being taken care by experts in medical field.

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